The story of the fish began when Mr. Goerge Wehbi, a Christian Lebanese, was practicing his fishing hobby, in Dakar Senegal (the Capital of West Africa). He caught many fish. When the went home his wife saw among them a strange fish about 50cm length, with some arabic writing on it. He took it to Sheikh al-Zein, who read clearly what was writen in a natural way. That could not be done by a human being, but rather a Godly Creation which the fish was born with. He read "God's Servant" on its belly and "Muhammad" near its head, and "His Messenger" on its tail
Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha berkuasa dan dapat menjadikan apa saja yang pernah ataupun tidak pernah terfikir oleh manusia.Ini merupakan keajaiban alam ciptaan ALLAH.
MEKKAH BERKILAU --Ini adalah hasil pencitraan dari IKONOS Satelite milik Space Imaging Inc, AS. Masjidil Haram yang 'diintai' oleh AS pada 31 Oktober 1999 itu menampilkan fenomena menakjubkan. Terlihat di gambar hanya bagian Masjidil Haram saja yang berkilau sementara bangunan di sekitarnya tampak lebih gelap. Subhanallah. (NASA Astronomy Picture of The Day) (sumber :
This is a recently discovered phenomenon in a forest near Sidney. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in a posture of Islamic prayer - the 'ruku'. Looking closer you can see the 'hands' resting on the knees. the most amazing thing is that the 'man' is directly facing the Kaaba, Mecca which is the direction Muslims all over the world face when in prayer.
Mawar Merah di Angkasa
"Selain itu (sungguh ngeri) ketika langit pecah belah lalu menjadilah ia mawar merah, berkilat seperti minyak"
(Ar-Rahman: 37)
Gambar di atas adalah gambar ledakan bintang di angkasa yang diperoleh NASA dengan Teleskop yang sangat canggih.
Kejadian tersebut membuktikan kebenaran Al-Quran yang diturunkan 14 abad yang lalu pada surah Ar-Rahman di atas
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